IDAS™ digital mode operation The IC-F3103D series provides basic operation in NXDN™ CAI-based IDAS digital mode. It is also compatible with IDAS multi-site conventional and IDAS single-site trunking. The following IDAS features are programmable.
- Individual/Group call (TX)
- Block decode
- RAN (Radio Access Number)
- Radio check (RX)
- Stun/kill/revive (RX)
- Call alert (RX)
- Remote monitor (RX)
- Emergency (TX)
- Digital voice scrambler
- GPS (TX only with HM-171GP) TX: Transmit, RX: Receive VHF & UHF DIGITAL/ANALOG TRANSCEIVERS
Built-in 2-Tone and 5-Tone (Analog mode) 2-Tone and 5-Tone signalings give you selective calling, quiet stand-by and other convenient functions. The radio stun and kill functions disable a radio over the air and the revive function restores the stunned radio.
Scan features The priority scan allows you to monitor one or two priority channels while scanning other non-priority channels. The transmit channel and talk back functions allow you to make a quick response while scanning.
Other features (* = analog only)
- CTCSS/DTCS encoder/decoder*
- BIIS PTT ID transmission*
- MDC PTT ID and emergency*
- DTMF autodial
- Low battery alert
- 2-step power save
- PC programmable
- Time out timer
- Talk around function
- Lone worker function
- Surveillance function
- Forced narrow function*
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